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Universal tripod spreader. Variable diameter width controls from 80cm to 130cm.
Light tripod that features the new Befree live fluid video head which makes it perfect for vlogger and mobile journalis.
High and quick to use, 3 section, aluminium tripod from 190 range, with MHXPRO-2W video head.
Video Set. Weight: 3,2 kg. Payload: 5 kg. Max height: 173,3 cm. Min height: 50,3 cm
Professional video tripod, with stainless steel tubes and telescopic aluminum spreader.
Light and solid video tripod with head MVH500A. Load 7kg.
Wytrzymały, bardzo stabilny wózek przeznaczony do dużych statywów wideo z podwójnymi kolcami.
Light and solid video tripod with head MVH502A. Load 7kg.
161MK2B is heavy-duty tripod, accustomed to large and heavy equipment.
Professional kit consisting of the Manfrotto 645 Twin Fast tripod in aluminum version, the Nitrotech 608 head and a bag.